Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2024. május 6.

Sikeres szereplés a 24. Nemzetközi TDK-n – Imre Emil

A 24. Nemzetközi Tudományos Diákköri Konferencián rövidpályás gyorskorcsolya sportágunk megmutathatta tudományos oldalát is. A sport és teljesítmény kategóriában Imre Emil kiemelkedő kutatásával, melynek címe: Data analyzing in short track; a dobogó harmadik fokára állhatott.

Emellett elismerés illeti Túróczy Gábort, aki a kutatás témavezetője volt, valamint Dr. Zima Endre és Dr. Kovács Péter munkáját is, akik segítették férfi olimpiai rövidpályás gyorskorcsolya edzőnket és technikusunkat a kutatás során felhasznált adatok elemzésében és értelmezésében. Köszönhetően nekik és a csapatmunkának, Emil bemutathatta a színfalak mögötti adatok jelentőségét és a számok sporthoz való viszonyulását, a rövidpályás gyorskorcsolyázás világában. Alább olvasható a kutatás kivonata.

Gratulálunk Emilnek és a csapatnak!


A well-organized and successful sports team can’t work or improve without data analyses and performance diagnostics anymore. The short track speed skating makes no difference in this sense too. However, a smart coach’s team uses as many opportunities as possible and diagnoses, tools, and applications to prepare individualized, performed, and high-quality training plans, equipment, and selections between the athletes if that is necessary.

The purpose of my research was to analyse the methods, special equipment and applications, and performance diagnostics results of the Hungarian National Short Track Speed Skating Team (16 people).


Sports analysis, performance diagnostics and video analysis, and special equipment measurements are integral components of modern sports science, each playing a crucial role in understanding, enhancing, and optimizing athletic performance.

Analysis in sports involves the systematic examination of various aspects of athletic performance, ranging from technical skills and tactical strategies to physiological factors. Using quantitative, valid and qualitative methods, coaches can dissect and evaluate an athlete’s performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and many areas for improvement. Performance diagnostics focuses on assessing physiological parameters, biomechanical variables, and psychological factors to gain insights into an athlete’s physical and mental capabilities. Using advanced measurement tools and diagnostic techniques, performance scientists can pinpoint individualized training interventions and optimize performance outcomes.

The video analysis serves as a powerful tool in sports analysis, providing visual records that can be analyzed, annotated, and scrutinized in detail. In short track speed skating, video analysis can be used in training and competition time also. For more special data and diagnostics, we can shoot on dryland and ice training times too.

Materials and methods

The present research provides insight into a part of the periodic functional model, which aims to objectively characterize sport-specific adaptation indicators for the coaches’ teamSame time in this study I tried to use as specific as possible the sport-specific equipment measurables and numbers for the speed skating blades, edges and surfaces. Together with the OSEI-team, we performed 5- and 30-second Wingate tests, to measure anaerobic capacity and anaerobic performance on a Cosmos Cyclus 2 bicycle ergometer. On the same date, the athletes had a spiroergometric test also to measure their respiratory system VO2 max, circulatory system, lactate, and anaerobic threshold. From another side of this sport, I analyzed the training videos also with the Dartfish system, which helped my research to measure every single skated lap, skater by skater. As a technical sport, the equipment side of the professionalism made this study difficult to be measurable and valid. However, with the special gauges and digital tools, I finally got an authoritative quantity of measured numbers. The short track speed skating, as it’s in its name, we can’t skip the speed agility measures and tests too. Using a photocell system to have valid and precise results, I checked the 10-15 and 30m sprint running of our athletes.

Focusing not only on the training and equipment, and performance diagnostics, since the year 2023 our team started to use the WOOP system to measure the following data by the HRV: recovery, strain, sleep, insights, stress monitor, and health monitor.

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