Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. október 1.

László Fábián, Sports Director of the Hungarian Olympic Committee: we have the base to build on

We have had a very good tournament, it has been very well-organised, you could feel that everything was in its right place, and the races were exciting as well. I think that the competition has met the requirements of the international inspectors as well. In addition to the ice rink an athletic field with spinning machines is also available, with continuous possibilities for warm-up. The quality of the ice has met all the needs.

The Hungarian athletes are to be praised as well they’ve absolutely fulfilled the plans set by the federation in connection with the Winter Olympics so far: both the men’s and the ladies’ relay squads will be there so will they in individual events. There are four stops of the Olympic qualification, it would have been beneficial to get into the final in as many distances as possible, but we still have three more legs, so we’re on the right path, and I’m absolutely convinced in the athletes and the coaches. My opinion is that Hungary has never had any problems with hosting international sports events. We have been organising these world events at a very high level. Athletes and international federations are happy to return here, as I’ve already mentioned we could stage the events in high quality circumstances.

I think that the extraordinary performance of the Hungarian men’s relay team in the quarter-finals well represents the power of Hungary. This is what we can rely on and base on in the future.



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