Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 22.

Early bird catches the worm? – First team has arrived


Team Poland has been the first Team to enter the door of Hotel Danubius Arena, the official hotel of the World Cup. A young team of 6 ladies and 5 men have already arrived, they are only waiting for one last mate, who is coming tomorrow.

“We have left home very early today. One part of the team took the bus from Wroclaw to Warsaw, and met the others there. We left to Budapest together”, Polish Team Leader Anna Lukanova-Jakubowska said right after arrival.

As the athletes and team staff received their room keys to take over their rooms, the youngsters seemed to be cheerful and happy. “None of them was there in Debrecen in 2013 World Championships in Hungary, this is a very new experience for them”, Lukanova-Jakubowska continued. “They will take a short rest, and then have their first practice session this evening” – she said.

Despite of having a young team, the Team Leader is very positive when she is talking about the team’s possible performance. “I think we have well prepared for the tournament. We want to fight, I expect them to skate well, I hope they will be strong!”, she shared.

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