Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 29.

The Ice is at its Peak

The Ice is at its Peak

Today is the maximum load of the ice. What does that mean?

The relays are today; this will be the main effect. This is when the most amount of hot water is poured on the ice. It’s a normal routine at the short track, they do it in the corners between two heats to provide the best sliding. But this treatment increases the amount of the wear – said László Bartha, the leader of the ice masters.

How can you prepare for this day?

The thing that we can do, is to tell the people, who are going to be on the ice today, to be careful. They should pay attention to the amount of water they give to the track stewards, today so that the certain bucket wouldn’t be full. We can say, that every litre counts.

What does that mean regarding the ice?

The load will be really huge on the surface. Today won’t be a day of records, especially in the afternoon. At night, we’ll have to resurface 2 centimetres instead of cm the usual 1 or 1,5.

How can it be fixed mid-day?

There may be a bit more breaks, but it is also because of the high number of the heats.

SEAT MET NEKA Sportoló Nemzet
MOB ISU HM Sportért Felelős Államtitkárság