Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 23.

South Korean short trackers are in Budapest also

On Saturday Team  South Korea has arrived, with six male and six female athletes. From the previous news, it was clear, that the athletes in Budapest will participate at the Olympic Games next February.

Minkyung Park team leader also confirmed:
“The selection for the Olympics squad has already come to an end. Out of our Budapest team five men and five women will be there.”
There was no sign, but the competitors were really excited about the events of the coming days.

“This will be the season’s first race in Hungary, so they are more tight than usual, and even some of them didn’t compete with the national team, last season”-  added Park.

There are several tournament favourites in the team.

“Of course, we would like to win as many medals as we can.”

They had a really long travel, so today will be a day off, but from tomorrow they will focus on AUDI ISU Short Track World Cup.

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