Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 30.

The AUDI ISU World Cup Short Track is officially opened

Sounds of fanfare introduced the opening ceremony of the AUDI ISU World Cup Short Track, just to follow by the nextgen athletes on the ice, who represent the future of the discipline. Meanwhile the spectators could enjoy a selection of slides on the sights of Budapest.

The hopes of several sports clubs from all over Hungary demonstrated the movements and situations of short track speed skating in a brief, however very spectacular show.

Then the crowd rose to the Hungarian National Anthem, which was performed by the chamber choir of the St. Stephen’s Music Secondary Grammar School. Then, the first welcome speech was delivered by Ms Tünde Szabó Dr, State Secretary for Sports.”There is a lot at stake at this competition, as all the athletes have one great goal in front of their eyes: to qualify to the 2018 Winter Olympics,” she said and added that “the participation number of this World Cup has broken all records ever, as from today on 256 athletes from 43 countries are fighting to achieve the best possible results.” The festive words were worthily matched by the tricolours on the 144m3 frozen water surface.

On behalf of ISU Mr Jae Youl Kim greeted those present at the beginning in Hungarian: “Jó napot kívánok,Hölgyeim és Uraim!” impressing the crowd. He considers the upcoming season to be an especially significant one, which requires an outstanding form from the skaters. He thanked everybody’s contribution to the event from the officials to the volunteers. He concluded his speech the way he began it: in Hungarian wishing a successful competition and a great time.

SEAT MET NEKA Sportoló Nemzet
MOB ISU HM Sportért Felelős Államtitkárság