Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 23.

The Dutch team for the first two World Cup competitions is announced 

This season’s first selection competition for the Dutch short track team took place on Friday morning in Thialf. The first world cup tickets were won by Dylan Hoogerwerf and Jorien ter Mors.

Early morning the 500 and 1000 meter and the super final of 1500m were scheduled.  Ter Mors and Hoogerwerf triumphed in all these events thus securing their spots for the World Cup with these results.

The Dutch team for these upcoming series consists of 6 male and 5 female skaters: Sjinkie Knecht, Daan Breeuwsma, Itzhak de Laat, Dennis Visser and Suzanne Schulting had already qualified for these World Cups (based on top three spots at the Rotterdam World Championships). The remaining spots go to Dylan Hoogerwerf, Adwin Snellink, Jorien ter Mors, Lara van Ruijven, Yara van Kerkhof and Marijn Wiersma. They obtained their start places during Friday’s selection competition results in Thialf. he Dutch team will land in Budapest on Saturday evening.

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