Magyar Országos Korcsolyázó Szövetség
Vissza 2017. szeptember 22.

Norway totals the participating nations’ number to 42

Short trackers from 42 countries line up at the start line next week to commence the

World Cup Short Track series of the season in Budapest with the 1500 and 500m heats for both genders.

After having received Norway’s entry it is 253 athletes from 42 countries who will meet at the Budapest Olympic Qualifier World Cup.

A total of 428 official delegates will be accredited to the event. The early bird to turn up will be the national team of Poland arriving on 22nd, while the majority will land on either 23rd, or 24th.

The first official training takes place in the BOK Hall on September 27th.

The heats will be staged on 28th and 29th, the finals of the 1500 and 500 metre-events will be held on 30th, and the closing day of the World Cup will see the finals of the 1000m and the relay races.

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