Privacy policy

Data protection statement

  1. I. Who is the data controller?

The data controller is the Hungarian National Skating Federation, hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”.

Our contact details are as follows:

Adress: 1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei út 3-5, Hungary


  1. What is personal data and what does it mean?

Personal data is any data or information which, alone or in combination with other data or information, makes it possible to identify, directly or indirectly, a specific person.

Your personal data are primarily your name, address, place and date of birth, your mother’s name, your identity document number – these are the so-called personal identification data. However, any other data which, in combination with any of the above data, is capable of identifying You, in the knowledge that it is known to you, is also personal data. This could include, for example, the details of your vehicle.

Some of the personal data may be subject to special protection, such as health data. Special personal data are not processed by the Hungarian National Skating Federation.

Any operation which is performed on personal data, such as the collection, storage, use, organisation, transmission, modification, combination with other data, erasure or destruction of data, constitutes processing.

III. How do we protect personal data?

The Hungarian National Skating Federation will take all necessary measures to ensure the safe and secure handling of the data by protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data. In this context, confidentiality means that only those persons who are authorised to do so under this notice shall have access. Integrity means that personal data must be accurate and adequate for the purposes for which it is processed. Accessibility means that authorised users can access the data if they need to do so for the purposes for which they are authorised.

The Hungarian National Skating Federation has implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect Your data against, among other things, loss, manipulation or unauthorised access. The measures taken are regularly reviewed and updated in line with the state of the technology. If the protection of your personal data is compromised and this is likely to result in a significant risk to Your rights, we will notify You immediately and preferably within 72 hours.

The above principles are enforced by the Hungarian National Skating Association and its data processors by implementing appropriate hardware and software-based security measures (including physical access control systems, access systems, locks, alarms, firewalls, etc.). The Hungarian National Skating Association will ensure that the data processed cannot be accessed, disclosed, transmitted, modified or deleted by unauthorised persons.

The electronic and manual recording, registration and retention of the data will be carried out in accordance with the applicable policies of the Hungarian National Skating Federation and any data processor. The applicable policies shall contain detailed provisions on access to the data.

The Hungarian National Skating Federation continuously monitors, maintains and updates its systems and software used for data management.

IMPORTANT! Please make sure that You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of any user data and passwords provided to you or communicated to you.

  1. What data do we collect and process?

We process personal data only in accordance with the data protection provisions in force at the time. When You contact us, correspond with us or fill in a form on our website, you acknowledge that we will process the data You provide in the course of that contact for the purposes described in section VII of this notice.

When You visit our websites, cookies are used to automatically collect personal data. This is explained in more detail in section VIII of this notice.

  1. How long do we process and store personal data?

The Hungarian National Skating Federation processes personal data only for the duration of the purpose for which the data is processed or for as long as required by law. At the same time as the purpose of the processing is fulfilled, or if the legal obligation ceases, or if the data subject so requests, the relevant personal data shall be deleted or anonymised. The Hungarian National Skating Federation reserves the right to terminate the processing of data, with the exception of data necessary for the provision of the service, and to delete the data at an earlier date if the processing is no longer necessary.

  1. To which third parties do we transfer personal data?

The Hungarian National Skating Federation does not transfer Your personal data to countries outside the European Union, nor does it transfer your personal data to third parties for their own business purposes (for example, data mining or direct marketing companies). However, the Hungarian National Skating Federation may need to transfer Your specific data to different authorities or other data controllers or processors for various reasons.

VI.1. Transmission to public authorities

The Hungarian National Skating Federation may be required by law or by request from public authorities to disclose certain data to the competent authorities (for example, the police). In the event of a data breach, i.e. where data we have processed is accidentally or unlawfully destroyed, lost, altered, disclosed to a third party without authorisation or accessed by a third party without authorisation, we may be required to disclose certain data to the data protection authority.

VI.2. Transfer to data processors

The Hungarian National Skating Federation uses professional partners, so-called data processors, who act on behalf of the Hungarian National Skating Federation when processing personal data.

The data processor shall carry out its activities in accordance with the mandate and the applicable legal requirements. The Hungarian National Skating Federation is liable to the data subject for any damage caused by the data processor.

The data processing partners have been carefully selected and will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that Your data is processed in accordance with data protection regulations and that Your rights are protected. The partners must not use the personal data provided for their own business purposes and must not transfer the data to third parties.

VII. What is the legal basis and purposes of our data processing?

Personal data will be processed only in accordance with the rules of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Infotv.),

(i) in connection with the preparation and performance of a contract intended to be concluded with us;

(ii) where the legitimate interests of the Hungarian National Skating Federation so require (e.g., contractual or non-contractual claims, customer satisfaction surveys); or

(iii) where You have expressly consented to the processing of your data for one or more specified purposes and in one or more specified ways.

In addition to the foregoing, the Hungarian National Skating Federation may be required by law to process certain data or to retain such data for a specified period of time.

The following paragraphs describe the cases, the rules, the purposes and the retention periods of the data processed on the basis of the various legal grounds.

VII.1. Data processing related to the preparation and performance of the contract

VII.1.1. Request for tenders or general enquiries about products or services

If You request a quote or information about any of our services in any form (by phone, email, by filling in an online form or in person), we will process the information you provide when You request the quote or information.

The purpose of the processing is to respond to Your enquiry or request.

Data retention period: unless you have consented to other types of processing based on Your consent, we will retain the data for the period necessary to process your request for a quote or other enquiry, but for no longer than 12 months.

VII.1.2. Handling customer complaints

If You contact us with a complaint, we will record Your details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address).

The purpose of the processing is to deal with the complaint.

Duration of data retention: for the purpose of handling the complaint and for the period of limitation of claims arising from the complaint.

VII.2. Data processing based on the legitimate interest of the Hungarian National Skating Federation established through a balancing of interests

In some cases, the rights of data subjects to data protection and their personal data and the legitimate interests of data controllers may appear to collide. In such cases, data controllers may conclude, by means of a balancing of interests, that processing is necessary for the purposes of their legitimate interests. In such a case, however, the controller is not entitled to carry out processing that goes beyond its legitimate interests or to carry out processing on a massive scale.

The legitimate interests identified through the balancing of interests can be diverse, and the most common types of processing are set out below

VII.2.1. Exclusive enquiries to business managers and contacts of key customers and partners

The Hungarian National Skating Federation may from time to time contact the business leaders and contacts of its existing and potential future customers and business partners to invite them to certain business or public events. For the purpose of such enquiries, we will process personal data (name, address, telephone number, email address, place of work, title/position) of the business leaders and contacts of the relevant existing and potential future clients and business partners.

Reason for data processing: to contact business managers and contacts of existing and potential future customers and business partners in order to invite them to exclusive events.

Duration of data retention: in case of an existing business relationship, for the duration of the customer relationship and for a maximum of 1 year after the termination of the customer relationship, and for a maximum of 5 years after the first contact in case of a hopeful business relationship

VII.2.2. Photographs and videos taken at events

The Hungarian National Skating Federation takes photographs and video recordings at certain events organised by the Hungarian National Skating Federation (e.g. the annual Volkswagen meeting). Photographs and videos taken at events are kept by the Hungarian National Skating Federation and published in printed publications and/or on the Hungarian National Skating Federation’s online platform.

The purpose of the data management is to strengthen the image and brand of the Hungarian National Skating Federation through marketing activities, and in this context to take and use photographs and videos at events. The scope of personal data processed: the image and voice of the data subject.

Retention period of personal data: until the data subject objects.

VII.2.3. Processing of the personal data of contractual contact persons

The Hungarian National Skating Federation processes the personal data (typically: name, work address, work e-mail, work telephone number) of the contact persons provided in the contract with its business partners or in the course of its performance.

The purpose of the processing is the execution of the contract: the Hungarian National Skating Association uses the personal data provided by the contracting partner in connection with the contract solely for the purpose of facilitating the relationship between the Hungarian National Skating Association and the contracting partner, for the execution of the contract and for the purpose of subsequent proof of the terms of the contract.

The period of retention of personal data: until the above purpose is achieved, but not longer than 5 years from the termination of the contract with the partner (whichever is shorter).

VII.3. Processing based on explicit consent

The Hungarian National Skating Federation processes Your personal data (name, telephone number, e-mail address) for contact, information, automated decision-making and profiling, as well as for commercial purposes, such as the promotion of new product offers, promotions, market research, sweepstakes and charity campaigns, only to the extent that You have consented to when completing the consent form.

The purpose of the data processing within the above is to enable the Hungarian National Skating Federation

  1. a) exercise its rights and fulfil its obligations towards the customer or player based on contract or law;

b.) ensure and monitor a high level of service to customers and interested parties in accordance with quality standards.

c.) carry out market research and direct marketing (direct marketing) in respect of data subjects, by electronic means and otherwise, and send them information and newsletters by the means they choose;

d.) continuously update the data of the data subjects already registered with the Hungarian National Skating Federation in the event of subsequent contacts;

e.) maintain continuous contact with the data subjects.

Data retention period: data requested and collected for commercial purposes will be retained until consent is withdrawn, unless a different retention period is set out below

VII.3.1. Automated decision-making and profiling

The Hungarian National Skating Federation may, with the express and prior consent of the data subject, send certain targeted enquiries about the data subject on the basis of data available at the Hungarian National Skating Federation or lawfully obtained from other sources, by automated decision-making and profiling. Automated decision-making is carried out by selecting data according to predefined criteria, in accordance with a profile that can be determined on the basis of previous data. Such data may include, among others, data concerning the data subject’s personal data (e.g. gender, age, place of residence, occupation, preferences), life circumstances (e.g. marital status and situation, income), usage habits. The purpose of profiling is to develop offers that are best suited to the usage habits and preferences of the person concerned.

The data subject may at any time request further information on the way the profiling is carried out, in particular on the data taken into account, the conclusions drawn from them and the source of the data.

VII.3.2. New product offer, promotions, newsletters

If the data subject consents to the processing of data by the Hungarian National Skating Federation for the purpose of sending newsletters, brand magazines, etc., the Hungarian National Skating Federation will process the data subject’s data separately for this purpose until the data subject withdraws his/her consent.

VII.3.3. Market research

The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall keep personal data of data subjects who have given their consent to the use of their personal data for the sole purpose of contacting them (market research) in order to find out about their consumer habits, on lists which cannot be linked to the data processed for direct marketing purposes. The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall immediately after the market research separate the name and address data of the data subject from the other data of the research and store them separately, in a way that does not allow the data subject to be identified and linked to his/her responses. The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall only waive the separation with the express consent of the data subject.

VII.3.4. Prize draw

In the case of an entry to a specific prize draw, the Hungarian National Skating Federation processes the personal data specified in the rules of the game for the purpose of conducting the draw and awarding the prizes. In the absence of other valid data processing consent, the Hungarian National Skating Federation will delete the data of the players after the prize draw has been conducted. The Hungarian National Skating Association shall retain the winners’ data for the limitation period of any claims relating to the prizes and any obligations under the legislation on taxation and supervision of games of chance, after which it shall delete them.

VII.3.5. Charity campaigns

Data collected and processed individually for the purposes of certain charity actions will be deleted by the Hungarian National Skating Federation after the charity action has been carried out, unless other general data processing consent has been obtained.

VIII. What are cookies and social plugins and what are they for?

Our websites automatically collect data through the use of so-called cookies. A cookie is a small text file that stores internet settings. Almost all websites use this technology.

When you first visit the website, the cookie is automatically downloaded from Your browser. The next time You access the website from the same device, the cookie – and the information it contains – is either sent back to the website that created it (known as a ‘private cookie’) or to another website to which it belongs (known as a ‘partner cookie’). This allows the website to recognise that the page has been accessed using this search engine and, in some cases, to modify the content it displays.

For more information about the cookies used on our websites, please see the links on each website.

  1. Who is entitled to know your data we process?

The employees of the Hungarian National Skating Federation and the employees of the data processors identified in this notice are entitled to access the data processed to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.

  1. What are Your rights in relation to data processing?

You have the right at any time:

a.) to request information about the processing of their personal data,

b.) request the rectification of his/her personal data,

c.) to request the restriction of the processing of his/her personal data (to withdraw his/her consent to certain processing or to change the form of contact requested),

d.) request the erasure of your personal data (withdraw your consent to the processing in its entirety),

e.) request the transfer of your personal data to another controller (data portability).

The data subject may exercise the aforementioned rights by sending a statement to the contact person of the Hungarian National Skating Federation at the following postal addresses: or 1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei road.

The data subject may request information from the Hungarian National Skating Federation about the processing of his/her personal data. The Hungarian National Skating Federation will reply in writing within 30 days. The information is free of charge if the applicant has not yet submitted an information request to the Hungarian National Skating Federation in the same field in the current year. Otherwise, the information will be provided against reimbursement of the costs incurred.

The data subject may request the Hungarian National Skating Federation to correct the data processed by it, indicating the correct data. The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall make the correction in its records and shall notify the data subject of the correction.

The data subject may at any time, without limitation and without any obligation to pay any fee, withdraw in writing, in whole or in part, the consent to the processing of personal data already given, without giving any reason. The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall, without undue delay following the notification of the withdrawal of consent, ensure the cessation of data processing, permanently erase from its records the personal data affected by the withdrawal, notify the data processor and the persons involved in any data transfer of the erasure, and comply with its legal obligation to keep records. Exceptions to this rule are personal data that the Hungarian National Skating Federation may process for the purposes of fulfilling a legal obligation to which it is subject or for legitimate interests established by weighing the interests of the data subject, as set out above, without further specific consent and even after the withdrawal of the data subject’s consent.

The data subject may request, in writing or otherwise, that the Hungarian National Skating Federation transfer the data processed by the Hungarian National Skating Federation to a third party data controller designated by the data subject (data portability). The Hungarian National Skating Federation shall transfer the data within 30 days of the request, delete the transferred data from its records and notify the data subject thereof.

  1. What to do if You have a complaint?

The data subject may at any time lodge a complaint about data processing at the contact details of the Hungarian National Skating Federation (email:, telephone: +36-1-2522369). The Data Protection Contact will investigate the complaints received within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, take action as necessary and notify the data subject of the outcome of the investigation and the action taken.

If the data subject disagrees with the result of the investigation, the action taken by the Hungarian National Skating Federation or otherwise believes that he or she has suffered a legal harm in connection with the processing of his or her personal data, he or she may contact the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (postal address: : Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11, 1055; telephone: +36 (1) 391-1400; fax: +36 (1) 391-1410; e-mail:; web: : or the competent court (including the competent court of law in your place of residence).

In any case, it is recommended that you send your complaint or request directly to the Hungarian National Skating Federation using one of the contact details above so that the Hungarian National Skating Federation can remedy the problem as soon as possible.
